Monday, March 17, 2014

Date: 9/30/2013
Lesson: Evaluating “Corrie’s Secret” by Meish Goldish

Essential Question: Why is being able to evaluate characters and character traits in a text an important literacy skill?

Activating Strategy:
1.       Write KWL chart on the chalk board.
2.       Explain to the students that the book we are going to be reading, “Corrie’s Secret” takes place during World War II.
a.       Pass out the books, and allow students to view them at his/her leisure
b.      Pass out KWL chart to students
c.       Have Voki prepared on the computer
3.       Ask students to work with a partner to brainstorm anything that might go under the “K” column.
a.       Allow 2-3 minutes
b.      Walk around to ensure that students are staying on task.
4.       Bring discussion back to full-group. Take volunteers to fill out “K” column on chalk board.
5.       Show Voki of Uncle Sam
6.       Ask students to fill in their “W” column on his/her own. This should be done independently.
a.       Remind the students that this is the “what they want to know” column

Teaching Strategy:
1.       Read “Strategy Focus,” aloud to the class.
a.       German troops have taken over Holland. Corrie does what she can to save people’s lives. As you read, evaluate Corrie’s actions.
b.      “What does evaluate mean?”
c.       “How will you evaluate Corrie’s actions?”
d.      “Why is this important?”
2.       Call on students to ask about their prediction of the story based on the cover, activating strategy, and illustrations. Make sure that students will be able to defend his/her answer.
3.       Begin reading story.
a.       Use Popsicle sticks to call on students to read.
                                                               i.      This will maintain an active listener-hopefully
                                                             ii.      Students may pass
b.      On short pages with 5 or less lines: class will choral read (pg. 7 and 22)
                                                               i.      This will help with struggling readers
                                                             ii.      Helps build confidence
4.       Finish story.
a.       Ask the class, “How does the ten Boom family help Jews?”
b.      “Do you think that it was right or wrong to steal the ration cards? Why or why not?”
5.       Pull up vocabulary on projector (5 minutes)
a.       Work on as a class.
b.      Call on volunteers
c.       Remember to use “wait time.”
6.       Hand out comprehension worksheet.
a.       Allow students to work with partners
b.      Encourage students to use his/her book
c.       Give students about 12 minutes to complete.
d.      Go over answers
7.       Pass out judgment chart graphic organizer
a.       Review the answer already given
b.      Work on together as a class
c.       Take volunteers
8.       Ask the EQ

Summarizing strategy:
1.       Have students fill in his/her “L” column.
a.       “L” means what you learned
b.      This is used as a ticket out the door
2.       On the back of KWL ask students to write a sentence or two about what it means to evaluate characters in a text. This should be completed individually.

3.       Collect materials.

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