Monday, March 17, 2014

Action Verbs Lesson

Lauren Nearhoof
Verbs Unit
Action Verbs

Essential Question:
Can you identify the action verbs in the given sentences?

Assessment Prompt:
·         What is a verb?
·         Which words are action verbs?

I can’t find the standard for this specific lesson, but is required for the school curriculum

·         White paper
·         Crayons/markers/colored pencils
·         English book
·         Note-cards

Activating Strategy:
1.      Put a sentence up on the chalkboard.
a.       Jackie ran to the finish line quickly.
2.      Have students write down on a scrap paper what the action verb is in the sentence.
3.      Go through the sentence with the students
a.       If you think the action verb is “Jackie” stand-up
b.      If you think the action verb is “ran” stand-up
c.       If you think the action verb is “to” stand-up
d.      If you think the action verb is “the” stand-up
e.       If you think the action verb is “finish” stand-up
f.       If you think the action verb is “line” stand-up
g.      If you think the action verb is “quickly” stand-up
4.      Use this activity to access
5.      Assessment prompt 1
Teaching Strategy:
1.      Read the definition of an action verb in book
a.       Do a “close” read
b.      Students respond where there is a blank to ensure that everyone is following along
2.      Assessment prompt 2
3.      Explain to class what an action verb is through examples
a.       Run is an action verb
b.      Being is not an action verb
4.      Go over examples from the book verbally with the students
a.       Model the first two aloud for the students to find the action verb
b.      Refer to the definition
c.       Call on students randomly but allow them to “phone a friend” if they do not understand
5.      Hand-out white paper
6.      Ask students to create an action verb drawing relating to the Olympics
7.      Students will pick an Olympic event and draw or write it in the middle of the paper
a.       Have the PowerPoint on the screen with a list of events for students if they are unaware
8.      Around the event, students must create at least 10 action verbs that relate to the topic
a.       Example: snowboard, stand, swerve, jump, slide, balance, turn etc.
9.      Allow students to decorate anyway they would like

Summarizing Strategy:
1.      Write a sentence on a note-card with an action verb in it.
2.      Trade cards with another student in the class.
3.      Hand-out Frozen song lyrics for homework

a.       Tell students that there is a total of 22 action verbs they have to find in the lyrics

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